R.C. Wegman was honored to be awarded the construction management position for the Aurora Police Department Garage and Training & Support Building [TAS]. The Aurora Police Station has a LEED Gold rating targeted. It will be the first LEED Public project in Aurora.
The Staff Parking Deck is a 203,069 square foot, two level structure that is pre-cast concrete construction with 557 parking spaces. The Training and Support Building is a 41,000 square foot building constructed with structural pre-cast concrete wall panels at the exterior walls. The building contains a state of the art forensic department that has multiple labs such as a latents lab, digital lab, alternative light source lab, computer forensics lab and a vehicle exam area all of which can process evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, computer and other evidence with the efficiency of a state certified lab. The TAS Building also houses a state of the art firing range. The firing range is a ten lane range that can also be utilized as a free roaming range, which allows training of various tactical maneuvers. Each lane has a firing length of 75 linear feet with stationary targets that swivel 360 degrees. These targets are connected to a computerized system that allows the range master to input training sequences for a multitude of training needs.
Architect: Cordogan Clark & Associates