R.C. Wegman was contracted by West Aurora School District #129 to complete $78 million worth of new construction and renovations that affected virtually every school within the district. The diverse requirements of each project ranged from asbestos removal and mechanical renovations all the way up to multi-million dollar additions to existing facilities such as Hope D. Wall School and West Aurora High School as well as entirely new facilities such as Greenman Elementary School, Herget Middle School, and the new Transportation Center<. At any given time there were as many as 10 to 12 projects going on simultaneously through out the District. Each project was unique in nature and posed its own set of challenges. However, by properly managing each project and tackling individual complications head on as they arose, we were able to complete every job on time and without any disruption to classes at any school.
Life Safety and Renovations were made to the following schools: Freeman, Lincoln, Nicholson, Goodwin, Schneider, Smith, Hall, Hill, McCleery, Todd Elementary, Jefferson, Washington and Jewel Middle Schools. Additions and renovations were made to the following schools: Schneider Elementary School, Jefferson Middle School, Hope D. Wall and West Aurora High School.
Herget Middle School is a new 110,000 sq. ft. middle school located on 16 acres with all site amenities with a construction time line of 14 months start to finish. Greenman Elementary School is a new 60,000 sq. ft. elementary school with a construction time line of 12 months start to finish. Constructed on the existing school property, once the new school was completed the existing structure was demolished and site renovations were completed. A 10,000 square foot Transportation Center is an inclusive of site amenities to house the districts buses, maintenance and transportation needs.
Hope D. Wall School received upgrade/installation of the site water loop. Freeman, Goodwin, Hill and Todd Elementary School all received Fire Alarm Upgrades. West Aurora High School received an auditorium/theatrical rigging upgrade. Schneider and Smith Elementary Schools got brand new front circle entryway renovations.